Sass compiling and too long directory paths

Posted on 15th October, 2014 at 16:02

Recently I ran into a problem with a Compass project: I couldn’t compile any SCSS assets into CSS assets and Ruby threw a file not found error.

Errno::ENOENT on line ["123"] of c: No such file or directory

Digging deeper, I found a Ruby tempfile.rb method rmdir could not find a file or directory to remove. File access rights and such were all as they should be. I was running latest stable versions of all gems and executables (Compass, Sass and Ruby). My SCSS files we’re not faulty (compilation succeeded on a co-workers environment just fine).

Seemingly Sass, Compass or Ruby at some point had tried to create a temporary file but failed. Then tempfile.rb‘s rmdir tries to remove the inexisting file from the system, resulting in a ENOENT error.

A few google searches suggested reinstalling everything and starting a fresh Compass project (not an option). Then I found a reference to a bug that disallows too long path names (more than 255 characters) in Sass procedures. More specifically the caching system, stuff that is inserted in .sass-cache.

I set my config.rb to send cache files to C:\temp\sass\ (using the cache_path configuration variable) instead of the regular project root directory, and suddenly Sass compilation started working again.

After the cache path was shorther than 255 characters (after character encoding) compilations worked as they should. If your project resides in a deep directory structure, you might run into the same problem.

The Compass project I’ve been working on resides under 7 to 9 directories. In the project directory I have the .sass-cache directory, which contains cached assets. Under the cache directory Sass generated a whole new directory structure based on where @imported Compass SCSS files resided (which would be C:\Ruby193\...\*.scss. This would result in pretty long pathnames for certain files:


I copied compass compile‘s --trace dump encoded path above. That’s some 281 characters, which is over the 255 character threshold.

I’m uncertain whether this problem is restricted to Windows environments.

Workaround in config.rb

I solved this problem by adding a temporary configuration trick into config.rb. It checks whether a certain file exists in the project root:

if File.file?( './.nosasscache' )
    #cache = false # Uncomment to disable cache.
    #cache_path = '/path/to/new/cache/location/' # Uncomment to change location of Sass cache.

    # You can add additional configuration parameters here if you want to.

If a file named .nosasscache exists in the project root, cache will be either turned off or the location of it will be changed.

I tried using Ruby’s require to load an external configuration file, but seemingly Compass configurations do not work that way. Chime in at this config.rb related Stack Overflow question if you have any ideas on how to include external configuration files inside Compass’ config.rb.

Why not just hard-code the path into config.rb?

Yes, that would work wonders too. But if the config.rb file is committed into version control and is distributed between development team members, there’s no knowing whether a cache_path directive points to a non-existant location or would overwrite something else in someone’s filesystem. Paths can also be different across operating systems (is there a “C” drive on Linux systems?).

By using this file existance check we can conditionally set a semi-local configuration directive. You could use varying filenames to alter what kind of configurations to use.

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