Sharing responsive design breakpoints between CSS and JavaScript using SassyExport

Posted on 4th July, 2014 at 17:46

Wouldn’t it be useful if you could define breakpoints in one place and your whole frontend code would update accordingly? That’s what I wanted a while back on a project. I came up with a way to automate this procedure using SassyExport, a Compass plugin used to export Sass maps to JSON files.

The problem

Responsive web design is a major part of website development these days. The most probable way of achieving responsive designs are media queries in CSS. But what if you want to use the same media queries in Javascript? You’ll most probably go and manually code in a set of breakpoints that match the ones in your CSS code.

What if this procedure was automated, allowing you to define media query breakpoints once in your CSS and have it working in your Javascript instantly after?


SassyExport is a Compass plugin that takes in a Sass map and then outputs it as a .json file into a directory of your choosing. Nothing much to that is there?

Currently I got SassyExport working only on an alpha release of Compass (1.0.0.alpha.20 to be precise at the moment of writing). You can install a pre-release version of Compass and SassyExport using the following terminal commands:

$ gem install compass --pre-release
$ gem install SassyExport

Implementing SassyExport in your Compass project is as simple as requiring it in your config.rb file and importing it in your .scss files where needed:

# config.rb
require 'SassyExport'
// style.scss
@import 'SassyExport';

Using SassyExport is simple, define a Sass map then @include SassyExport with a few parameters. The example below defines a few breakpoints as a Sass map and exports them to breakpoints.json right next to config.rb:

# style.scss

// Define a Sass map containing breakpoints.
$breakpoints: map(
    phone: 480,
    tablet: 720,
    desktop: 960

// Use SassyExport to output a .json file. I'll go over the parameters in a bit.
@include SassyExport( '/breakpoints.json', $breakpoints, true, true );

The SassyExport parameters go as follows:

* Currently I can’t seem to use SassyExport without leaving debugging turned on (setting the last parameter as true). SassyExport’s author is investigating at the time of writing. Experiment and see whether false works for you or not.


Hooray, we successfully defined breakpoints in SCSS and then exported a JSON file out of them! Here’s the JSON file that would be exported from the example above:

    "phone": 480,
    "tablet": 720,
    "desktop": 960

Magnificient! Nothing else to see here. Let’s see how we can get and use these values in Javascript.

Loading the breakpoints in Javascript

We’ve got some awesome Sass mapping going on and some great JSON exporting with SassyExport going on. Lastly we need to get the JSON data to Javascript in order to use the values.

In the following examples I’ll be using jQuery’s AJAX in order to keep the code to minimum and handle cross-browser inconsistensies.

In order to load the JSON data for use in Javascript we need to load it using AJAX:

// Set a breakpoints property for our window, you can set it elsewhere too.
window.breakpoints = {};

// GET the breakpoint data.
$.get( '' )
    .done( function( res ) {
        // Parse the JSON.
        var scss_breakpoints = JSON.parse( res );

        // Set our breakpoints data.
        window.breakpoints = scss_breakpoints;

Note: you should handle failure conditions too, I’m leaving them out to keep the example clean.

Yay! Now we’ve got the breakpoint JSON file loaded to Javascript. Reference breakpoints by using for instance.

Extra: making it Git-friendly

I use Git for version control in my projects. As the JSON we’ve been generating using the examples above is a generated resource, we need to make sure there are no conflicts (or at least too frustrating conflicts) during merges.

First, we need to define a so called “ditch all other changes” merge driver also known as “ours” in our Git configuration. In your global .gitconfig file, add the following:

[merge "ours"]
    name = "Ours merge"
    driver = true

The driver = true line determines that only the other merge branch changes should be included in the merge commit that is generated by Git.

Now that we’ve got the new merge driver running, create a .gitattributes file if you don’t have one already and insert the following configuration:

./breakpoints.json -diff
./breakpoints.json merge=ours

This way the generated JSON file is treated as a binary file (such as images are) and the new ours merge driver disregards changes from other branches and leaves no conflicts behind.

Next up we can set up some Git-hooks to automate Sass/JSON generation on merges and rebases. This way the Sass and JSON generation is automated and included within the merge and rebase commits Git creates (so we don’t have to manually generate the changed sources for each and commit). Create the following Git hooks (which should reside in .git/hooks):

# filename: post-rewrite

if [[ $1 = "rebase" ]]; then
    compass compile /path/to/project/root/dir # Set absolute path.
    git add -u
    git commit --amend --no-edit

# filename: prepare-commit-msg

if [[ $2 == "merge" ]]; then
    compass compile /path/to/project/root/dir
    git add ./breakpoints.json # Relative to Git-project root, can be a directory.

The hook codes above are in shell script. The post-rewrite hook is run when a commit rewrite happens, usually either an amend commit or a rebase commit. We run a Compass compilation on each rebase type commit rewrite and add the changed files right before re-creating the commit. In the prepare-commit-msg hook we determine whether the commit is a merge commit or not and compile and include the generated contents right before creating a merge commit (thus removing the need to recompile after a merge).

All done, get coding!

Now you should have a system where you define responsive breakpoints in SCSS and don’t care about breakpoints afterwards. Javascript loads the breakpoints from a generated JSON file that contains the breakpoints. If you use Git, we just created a system that keeps the breakpoint data up to date without creating conflicts between developers.

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